Dimitra Ioanna Proiskou, the novelist of police books, short story writer, poet, and translator of literary texts, was born in 1978 in Athens and specifically, in Holargos where the story of her first book A Child Avenges takes place.
She worked for several years in the field of medicine, utilizing her free time in writing various literary genres, while attending seminars on creative writing, poetry, literature, prose, philosophy of History, History of Literature, and Ancient Greek Literature and Philosophy.
In 2018 he decides to deal professionally with writing. It is enrolled in the school of DIEK. Maroussi and attends for two years the specialty Literary Translation, Editing and Correction of Texts and completes her studies in the summer of 2020. In addition to her studies, she deals with translations of foreign English and American poets. In 2019 she publishes her first poetry collection, e-book, entitled Seven Deadly Poems, and under the pseudonym Ioanna Kikeri.
In 2019, a big fan of detective fiction, she decides to write her own detective novel entitled A Child Avenges.
Her Work
Novels A child takes revenge (2020), Seaplane Poetry Seven deadly
Poems (2019), as Ioanna Kikeri
No child should have such an experience. The human personality is formed in childhood. Whatever “damage” is done then, many “craftsmen” are needed to fix it or no one… The only “carpenter” who could do it is the one who would erase the memory. In other words, never happen… An innocent child prank is associated with a tragic event and causes a child to lose his innocence forever.
When life gives a second chance to the smile, the human, dark side will reappear to disturb lives and consciences… What is hidden in a human soul when the door closes and darkness falls on it? Do wounds heal or do they continue to burn like hot iron? Who can deal with Evil and win…